Sometimes, life presents difficult decisions.
California State Fair
Sacramento, CA
The food! The exhibits! The people watching! The food! The concerts! The food!
Guess what my favorite part of the fair is?
I'm not knocking the people watching which, for Sacramento, is top-notch. I love seeing elderly couples, hand-in-hand, sharing a big-ass waffle cone; wide-eyed kids who've never seen a ferris wheel; "hypnotized" individuals barking like dogs. It's great! On the other hand, I can do without some sectors of the population: unsupervised toddlers wielding large, sticky lollipops; women in the ladies room who shake out their sopping wet hands onto you instead of grabbing paper towels; and parents with kids on disturbing leashes.
The concert offering can run the gamut from the 1950s to today. There's at least one show I've got to see each year. Whether it's Rick Springfield, M.C. Hammer, Jeffrey Osbourne or Weird Al Yankovic, the choices can't be beaten. By the way, I think I just showed my age.
But oh, the food...this is what brings me back year after year. Whatever they're dipping in batter and plunging into recycled oil this year,
I've got to have it! For years, my choices were limited to corn dogs and funnel cakes: booooooring. Today, that repertoire has expanded to cheesecake, Moon Pies, and even sandwiches using donuts as buns. Booyah.
So grab something fried, kindly ask if you can share a table if needed (emphasis on the word "kindly"), and relieve yourself before the concert so you'll avoid impeding my view of .38 Special in the middle of "Caught Up In You". Thanks in advance!