Friday, September 27, 2013

Eat Real Festival - 09/27/13 - 09/29/13

Robin Thicke knows you want it.

Eat Real Festival
Oakland, CA

Mobile dining has exploded in the last few years.  Talented chefs with a knack for entrepreneurship are able to cater (get it?) to the masses, and this is a perfect time to market to the average Joe who may be too strapped for cash for a formal dining experience, but is willing to shell out a couple extra bucks to avoid the Taco Bell drive-thru.  Admit it: fresh fish tacos beat a Bellgrande anything 100% of the time.

The Eat Real Festival has enjoyed increasing interest, such that a Los Angeles event was added to meet the demands of Southern Californians.  Dozens of trucks are on hand, serving up everything from drinks to desserts…and that’s not all.  This festival is sheer heaven for those who not only love to eat, but want to learn where their food comes from and how it’s prepared.  You can meet local farmers, watch a butchery contest, witness a master noodle-puller (it’s exactly as interesting as it sounds) or explore pretzel-making. 

Then again, you can skip all the educational crap and have your own progressive breakfast/lunch/dinner hopping from truck to truck, gorging on everything from paella to plachinta to pork buns.  Cash is preferred.  Come prepared!

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