Sunday, December 2, 2012

West Coast Falconry

This experience is for the birds!

West Coast Falconry
Marysville, CA

There's an old belief that a bird pooping on you is a sign of good fortune to come as a result of suffering an inconvenience.

Luckily, I wasn't inconvenienced during my first falconry lesson given by the experienced instructors at West Coast Falconry.  A picturesque view of the Marysville hills provided enough of a gorgeous atmosphere to calm the nerves of even the most anxious first-timer.  Not that I needed it, of course - I couldn't wait to get up close and personal with a beautiful bird of prey!

Your lesson begins with an interactive discussion about the role the birds play in our environment, along with some helpful information about the sport of falconry.  But the real fun begins when participants take turns holding a hawk (hopefully, without freaking out), then learn to call a hawk to their gloves with simple hand motions.  Okay, okay, a little raw meat may also be involved, but it's still impressive.

Should you find that 60 minutes of instruction aren't nearly enough time to spend with these fascinating creatures, then make plans to return for their half-day Falconry Experience or 90-minute Hawk Walk through the Sierra Foothills.  Wear a hat, since a longer period of time spent with the birds increases your chances of being "inconvenienced".