Thursday, April 19, 2012

SactoMoFo 4 - 04/21/12

Sunscreen, people, sunscreen!

SactoMoFo 4
Sacramento, CA

Besides unemployment (boo), nothing has caught on so quickly in recent months like the food truck scene in Sacramento.  Come to think of it, the two concepts may go hand in hand: those with decreased incomes, but not decreased appetites, are looking for new ways to treat themselves without the hassle of restaurants, servers and tipping.

The Sacramento Mobile Food Festival (or SactoMoFo for those who like names that sound dirty, but aren't) brings mobile food as far away as the Bay Area to give locals the opportunity to taste unique creations each truck brings to the table, so to speak.  As an added bonus, those in line receive free tans or sunburns as the most popular trucks can have queues as long as two hours.

At the forefront of the festival is the support of a local community which continues to balk at city regulations requiring Sacramento's food trucks to change their locations every 30 minutes.  Luckily, diners can hunt down their trucks of choice on Facebook and Twitter, allowing them to satisfy their cravings for sliders, pork buns or escargot lollipops as owners play "musical trucks" to satisfy government officials.  Way to keep gas stations in business, Sacramento.

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