Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sun-Maid Store

Don't worry, they have the chocolate variety, too.

Sun-Maid Store
Kingsburg, CA

My Chihuahua, Manny, doesn't understand grapes.  He'll eat almost anything you give him, but grapes?  No, thank you.

I learned this little tidbit of information a few years ago when I rearranged my living room furniture and found several old grapes - now raisins - as I moved my couch.  Apparently Manny didn't understand you could bite through those little orbs.  Luckily, when he saw the raisins, he maintained his lack of interest; that's a good thing considering raisin consumption can cause renal failure in dogs. Yikes!  But I digress.

The good people at Sun-Maid have provided high-quality raisins and other dried fruit products for a century.  Often called "nature's candy" (though a thick coating of chocolate also helps), no oatmeal cookie or trail mix seems complete without them.  Little known fact: the iconic Sun-Maid Girl found on each box of raisins was actually a real girl named Lorraine, who posed with a basket of grapes for that famous image.  While the image has evolved over the years, Sun-Maid's raisins and other products have maintained the same excellence in quality for decades.

Visit the Sun-Maid Store to purchase their full selection of raisins, dried fruits and other gifts.  Watch a brief informative video, take a photo in front of a giant box of raisins, and keep any purchased treats away from your dog.  Trust me.

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